Tuesday, May 28, 2013


I think schools and law enforcement are doing what they can to stop bullying but no matter what anyone does it will never stop. With all the new social media sites coming up all the time bullying is out of everyones hands. Yes i agree no one should be afriad to come to school in fear of being bullied and with all these new campange and talk groups that kids go to which helps kids heal from bulling. Kids are taking their lives do to bulling and its wrong like it shouldnt happen and it makes anyone sick to their stomach knowing theres nothing that can be do to stop it.

The lasting effects of bulling could could as far as death kids young as 10 years old kill themself everyday due to bulling everyday it happens its always on the news some kids death caused by bulling leaves a lasting impact on this world like Pheobe Prince a new student from irealand was bullied by a pack of students from her new school and went home and hung herself. Studies have proven that kids from will experiance some form of bulling in school and that brings me back to how bulling will never end. The suicide rate has gone up in few passing years due to bulling and its rediculous no parent or family or child should kill themself cause of other kids giving them a hard time and no family member or parent should come home and find their dead child.

It takes courage to stop being a bully. Just because you’ve been involved in it doesn’t mean you have to continue. Help with bullying is not only available to those who've been bullied. Many anti-bullying support groups also help people who are involved in bullying many celeberties have their own "stop bulling campanges" and there is constant help offered to students who feel bullied and the problems are adressed majorty of the time. Bullies are not just that one big kid on the play ground whos looking to take your lunch money bulling comes in different shape and forms of people the smalliest thing could be considered a bulling slure.

Where does bulling happen? The answer to that is everywhere you look it happens at school at home on the internet your social medias. Some socail medias have the option to post as "annoynmous" such as formspring or ask.com. Facebook is a big factor in cyber bulling all the facebook fights you hear about are such bulling tactics its insane. Twitter people indirect tweet about people mean things to thats considered bulling. I think in my own opinion everyone should just leave each other alone no ones perfect and somethings that you think would be "weird" are normal to people and makes them happy so the bullings at school and on websites should stop if you have a personal problem with someone talk it out dont taunt somone till that person feels the need to take their own life its wrong and needs to stop but as far as law enforecement and school officals and parents are spreading the word about making bulling stop then the world should gradually become a better place.

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